Failure: An Unknown Friend & A Known Foe (Preface)
Failure is often looked down upon and admonished. We from a young age are asked to pursue success without being guided on how to handle or overcome failures when we face them. We are all told that we must stay away from failure. For failure symbolizes being inferior instilling deep sense of fear in many of us. What we are not told is, Failure is a certainty, just like death is! We will fail more often than we succeed. For the fear of failure or death, would we stop trying or living? Absolutely no way! We fail many a times in our personal and professional lives only to get up the next day to fight it out. Sometimes the battles are within and sometimes they are outside. Yours truly, from a very young age has failed more often than he has tasted success in his personal and professional life. I have tried running away/hiding/confining myself at the sight or thought of failure. No way, this helped in allaying the fear of failure. The realization that would dawn upon me every time...